EP 39 – Talien Barsamian – Building Communication to Give Your Clients the Best Experience

Talien is the Director of Bankruptcy Operations at McFarlin LLP and has been working in the legal industry for nearly 12 years. 

On This Episode, We Discuss …

• What Clients Are Looking For When Choosing a Firm
• Listening During Initial Contact / First Impression
• Why ‘Human Touch’ Is So Important In Communication

3 comments on “EP 39 – Talien Barsamian – Building Communication to Give Your Clients the Best Experience
  1. Tim says:

    Great podcast so much good content and advice, Talien did a great job breaking down the “client relationship” which often gets overlooked as everyone just tries to focus on originating more business.

  2. Geoff Wilson says:

    Great podcast. You are a great asset. I’m so happy you are contributing at such a high level.

  3. Will Dembinski says:

    Talien is extremely knowledgable and helpful! Get her back on!

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